OVOTE: Offchain Voting with Onchain Trustless Execution
OVOTE (Offchain Voting with Onchain Trustless Execution) is a L2 design for voting using validity-proofs (zkSNARK proofs), which is similar to zkRollups. The main idea is that the votes are aggregated offchain, and proved onchain through a zkSNARK proof, resulting in constant gas costs while scaling up to thousands of voters through a single Ethereum transaction.
Posted 2022-07-05 by arnaucube ‐ 10 min read
rwc2022 : Threshold ECDSA with additive key derivation and presignatures : an attack, and a solution
Additive key derivation is used widely throughout the cryptocurrency space, as defined in BIP32. Presignatures are used to reduce the round complexity of threshold ECDSA. Though both used very frequently, and often in combination, a security proof for the construction was missing until this point. Shoup and Groth find an attack on threshold ECDSA when using both AKD and presignatures, and present a solution.
Posted 2022-05-11 by Rebekah ‐ 6 min read
Adding Vote Delegation to Anonymous E-Voting Schemes
Anonymous e-voting schemes are a promising tool in the current and future digital society. We propose a simple and elegant way to add delegation capabilities to such schemes.
Posted 2022-05-06 by Vincenzo Iovino ‐ 10 min read
The Bellare-Micali Oblivious Transfer
Oblivious transfer (OT) is a cryptographical primitive that is fundamental for secure multiparty computation. We give a brief introduction to the Bellare-Micali OT protocol, which is particularly simple and elegant.
Posted 2022-05-03 by Alex Kampa ‐ 4 min read
Lagrange bases in subgroups of $F_p^*$
Our first Maths Seminar note is about Lagrange bases in subgroups of $F_p^*$ which happen to have a simple and explicit formula. Numerous examples as well as detailed proofs of the main results are provied. We note that these particular Langrange bases have been used in the construction of the well-known PLONK zk scheme.
Posted 2022-05-02 by Alex Kampa ‐ 3 min read